The Sons of the American Legion Waddington Post 420 will hosting its 23rd annual ice fishing derby Saturday, Feb. 8, from sunrise until 4 p.m. Boundaries are from Iroquois Dam to the Coles Creek Marina and all connecting water in between. Entry fee is $25 per person, under 16 free. Cash awards to pa...
Blood Drive in Norwood
An American Red Cross blood drive will be held Friday February 7th from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.. at Village of Norwood, 15 South Main Street. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, visit, or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Wine, Beer and Artisan Festival Saturday
The Wine, Beer, Food & Artisan Festival will be presented by Seaway Festival Special Events on Feb. 1, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at Wadhams Hall, 6866 State Highway 37 Ogdensburg. There will be beverages, food, handcrafted items and other goods. Admission: $5. Vendor signups: Michele Morrison, 315-528...
Ski and Snow Shoe 5k February 8th
This is a fundraiser for the MCS Class of 2025 to help with the cost of their senior trip and all senior activities that will be done during the school year.The 3.1 mile/3K course takes place on the nature center trails on skis or snowshoes. Free equipment loans are available for all sizes/ages at t...
Winter Wellness Walk Feb 15th
Join us for a FREE Winter Walk for Wellness. Family Friendly. Choose between .5 mile and 1.2 mile trail. Stay for hot cocoa and bonfire. Call 315-769-4273 for more information. Saturday February 15th at the Nicandri Nature Center!
Night at the Museum February 9th
“Night at the Museum” is this year’s ice show theme of Massena Figure Skating Club to be held Sunday, Feb. 9, at 1 p.m. at the Massena Arena. The ice show will feature Learn to Skaters, junior and senior skaters, and soloists.Admission is $5 adults, $3 seniors, and $1 students. It will include raffl...